With Goodwill® and Roadie, cleaning out your closet and giving back to your community go hand-in-hand. People can use Roadie to have items picked up and delivered to their local Goodwill.
When Goodwill sells items you donate, that revenue goes to support job placement and business training programs within your community. For Monique, a Goodwill program helped fuel her confidence and equipped her with skills she needed as a small business owner.
Send Anything With Roadie
Monique fell in love with baking as a child and had her spent her life crafting cookies and cakes for friends and family. Following her passion, it wasn’t long before Monique opened her own gourmet cookie company, MLA Gourmet — or as she likes to put it “cookies for grownups.”
Rum Cherry Chocolate Chip, Ginger Oatmeal Raisin, Mochaccino Chocolate Chip — these are just some of the decadently infused cookies MLA Gourmet prides itself on. And sooner than later, people began to catch on to how delicious the cookies were.
After several years, MLA Gourmet became popular among corporate events and corporate gift-giving. Monique quickly realized she would need to get back in the classroom to keep up with demand and continue growing her business. That’s when she found the Goodwill of North Georgia microenterprise program.
“I learned a lot about financial issues and marketing. The teachers and instructors were very supportive and knowledgeable,” Monique said of the program. “When I first started, one of my concerns was that since I’m not very outgoing, I wouldn’t be able to go out and sell my cookies.”
That quickly changed once the program equipped her with the skills she needed to expand her business, create networking opportunities, and find confidence within herself.
Monique recently began selling cookies at Whole Foods across Atlanta and is hoping to soon expand to Whole Foods nationwide. And while she still struggles with growing business pains, she knows she can turn to Goodwill for support at any time.
And because revenue generated through Goodwill donations goes directly to job programs, your donations can help people in your community find jobs and grow their businesses.