For businesses looking to streamline their delivery logistics, multi-user access within the Roadie portal is a game-changer. This option allows your organization to set different levels of account usage across your team by providing each user with separate login credentials. Admins will have control over profile creation, management and access. 

This much-requested capability helps streamline deliveries and improve the user experience for Roadie customers. Key benefits include: 

  • Improved privacy and security. Each user has their own set of permissions based on their individual roles and responsibilities. This can help protect sensitive customer data and enable more secure deliveries, especially among large and evolving teams.  
  • Better productivity and collaboration. Having separate but interconnected profiles within accounts can streamline the user experience across roles. Having separate user accounts facilitates easier collaboration by allowing multiple people to access delivery data at the same time. It can also help teams more effectively manage deliveries by improving visibility for those who need it, especially those in customer service roles. 
  • Easier maintenance and troubleshooting. Multi-user profiles include self-service features, which grant your organization more control over its own account. And if one user needs help with their profile, it is easier to fix the issue without affecting the other accounts. This is especially true for login access; if one password needs to be reset, others remain unchanged. 

Users are identified as active — they’ve set up an account and currently work for you — or inactive. With the multi-user option, you can now designate three types of users based on their roles to access only the features they need. 

The three roles are:

  • Viewer: Viewers will be limited to viewing deliveries and rating drivers upon completion.
  • Creator: This type of user can create, edit, cancel and rate deliveries, but they will not be able to access account settings to edit user profiles.
  • Admin: Admins will be able to access all features in the Roadie portal — with more to come.

How to use multi-user features

Setup: Once multi-user features are available on your account, you’ll start by designating roles for each of your users on the Add User page. There, you’ll provide the first and last name, email address and role of each user, as well as assign dashboard access to one or more of your business locations. Then the portal will automatically generate an email inviting them to set up their new passwords. 

What you’ll see: The homepage of the dashboard will look a little different now. The upper-left corner will now show the account or store name/number. Over in the upper-right corner, you’ll see your personal account menu. To view the dashboard for a different location, you won’t have to log in and out anymore. That pull-down menu in the upper-left corner will let you toggle easily between store dashboards.

After that, what you see on additional pages of your dashboard depends on your role.

  • Viewer: If you’re a viewer, you’ll see a list of active deliveries for the location. You’ll also see filter, sort, and search tools in the left column to access updates and how-to’s. You can open up an individual delivery and rate the driver, but not edit orders.
  • Creator: A creator can see everything a viewer can see, but there are more available tools in the left column, including access to estimates, bulk upload, delivery creation, delivery addresses, and order cancellation. 
  • Admin: In addition to the viewer and creator functions, admins can perform account-level activities. In the left column, you’ll also be able to access profile settings, payment details, and app settings. 

Because only admins can access these features, you can now do more without having to contact your sales rep or customer operations partner. This puts more control in your hands to reset passwords or add users. And even more features are coming, such as the ability to pre-fill information like entry instructions within orders. 

Be on the lookout for more info from your Roadie sales rep or customer operations partner. For more information, please reference our guide on multi-user access.